closet raid

welcome to closet raid, a new segment in my blog where i invade the homes of friends, have them pick their favorite clothing pieces out of their wardrobes, and model them, too! first up is one of my closest friends and also neighbor of six years, alex harbour. half african american, half caucasian, alex is a pretty girl who grew up in the pretty suburbs of new jersey. she is currently a freshman at boston university studying enviromental economics. there she brings her obnoxious personality (trust me, she was cackling and making horrible faces at the camera in between shots) and increasingly individualized style to the typical leggings-and-uggs scene that is bu. alex is a girl that enjoys longboarding, attending music festivals, and playing world of warcraft. a very atypical girl in a typical academic world! while alex couldn't pinpoint an exact source of inspiration for her way of dressing, it's clear she enjoys aztec and geometric prints, and dark natural colors such as black, brown, and deep green. she loves the worn-in look of things and is notorious for constantly wearing the same top a week or two at a time when she's fallen in love with it. i hope you were as inspired by her style as i was!

(obey black snapback)

(left: black zip-up bustier with cut-out detailing by lush, plaid shirt from a friend, necklaces her own / right: black turban from nasty gal, black-and-white aztec knitted scarf from target, army green jacket by michael kors)

(oversized knit with hood detail from hempfest, boston)

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